
Deciding What Is The Best Gps To Buy - Finding The Best Gps For The Money

Deciding What Is The Best Gps To Buy - Finding The Best Gps For The Money

What is the best GPS to buy? That is a BIG question. Luckily, as more models have become available, that question is now somewhat easier to solve. Garmin were still the market leaders 12 months ago, but in recent months they have pushed ahead of the competition from Magellan and TomTom. Garmin have lowered their prices a lot, and with the advances they have made in their product technology,tomtom, they now face somewhat less competition than they used to, and now rule the GPS roost, so to speak. For purchasers, there really is a clear winner in the hunt for the best GPS to buy. Buy a Garmin GPS! Now we have to decide which model to choose. We need to look at the models on offer, and try to decide what we should be looking for when we choose the best GPS to buy. An understanding of what the GPS market is all about will help you find the best GPS to buy. Deciding on which maps you need is an important step. For buyers in the USA, all the Garmin GPS models sold at Amazon etc. with have continental US maps included. But for other US related countries, such as Hawaii and Mexico, you will need to double check before you buy. Same goes for Canada maps. You can get the maps you need,gps, but they may be on a different Garmin model. The same goes for the Europe maps. It is imperative that you are mindful of the map you need when searching for the best GPS for the money. Standard features are also important. Whichever brand you buy,garmin gps, you'll get all the essential features like tons of points of interest. This was critical a few years back, but now all the top brands have it. Text to speech is also the standard on nearly every Garmin you buy, so nothing to worry about there. These features used to be a luxury item, but now everyone has them. But to get a great GPS rather that an OK one, you should be looking at things like Bluetooth connectivity, real time traffic alerts and multi-point routing. A look at model comparison charts will ensure that you get the best model for your needs. Prices have really tumbled, so it isn't going to cost you an arm and a leg. The best GPS to buy will likely cost will under $200 and have all these great features. It's always worth looking at the other brands, but the best GPS to buy at the moment really is a Garmin, and the nuvi models in particular are excellent. The mapping system on the Garmins have recently undergone some excellent improvements. They have devise maps that are aimed towards pedestrians and public transport users. These are called cityXplorer. These are essential in major cities. So that's about it. Go out and find your best GPS to buy.

